Ms. Allred, a high-profile lawyer who often represents women in litigation with powerful figures, appeared at a news conference in Washington Tuesday with Natalie Khawam, the twin sister of Jill Kelley, a central figure in the scandal that led to the resignation of David Petraeus as head of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Ms. Khawam said little but began crying before she had uttered a word.
"My sister Jill and I aren't just twins, we are best friends," said Ms. Khawam. "During my darkest times, she held the light for me. She and my brother-in-law, Dr. Kelley, took me in and my son when we needed refuge and protection."
Ms. Khawam, a lawyer, has been engaged in a protracted custody fight for her 4-year-old son and is currently appealing a decision against her–a ruling in which the judge harshly criticized Ms. Khawam as dishonest and unstable.