Have you heard about Google Currents, which launched yesterday? Here, let's let Lifehacker describe it: "Google Currents Is a Gorgeous Magazine-Style Newsreader for iOS and Android." More:
Currents is free, cross-platform, and syncs all of your articles and subscriptions with your Google account and makes them available for offline reading. The layout of the app is open and attractive, and clearly inspired by Android Ice Cream Sandwich, complete with Google's new "Roboto" font in heavy use. Every image and photo that accompanies a story can be expanded for larger view
Here's a video explaining it:
There were only about 150 publications in the world that were part of yesterday's launch, and Reason was one of them. That was no accident.
We may be a teeny tiny outfit in the world of magazine publishing (believe me, our budget is a fraction of the size of, say, the L.A. Times Opinion section), but we are committed to using what scarce resources we have to bring our journalism to wherever you like to read. We were one of the first magazines on Kindle, and when you click this link you can find ways to read us on various iPads, Nooks, Kobos, Sony Readers, and Kobe Bryants. We wake up every morning fretting that there might be a place or method by which you like to read where you cannot access our writings and videos.
This stuff costs money, people! That's why we're trying to persuade 500 of you to donate to our annual Webathon. Opinion journalism is a proven money-loser, and though we're excited about many commercial opportunities we'll be launching next year, and bullish overall on the economics of online publishing, your seed money lets us take those bets, learn with our chin (is that a thing?), while bringing the Reason you love (or love to hate) wherever you prefer to read.
So please go to reason.com/donate, scroll over the (tax-deductible!) giving levels for the funny swag you'll get back (we've already got at least one taker on the Nick Gillespie-signed black leather jacket!), and regardless of what (or even if) you can contribute, please help us out (and enter yourself into a free $100 Amazon gift card sweeptakes!) by filling out our online survey, which we are using to make still more improvements to Reason.com.
Speaking of which, since this post is about our fancy new Google Currents app & all other non-print reading experiences, let this be an open thread where you tell us about the things you like and dislike about our various e-reader edition thingies. And thank you!