State Rep. Alan Powell (R-Hartwell) has introduced a measure, HB 907, that could effectively shutdown Uber and Lyft in Georgia, insulating the taxicab and limousine industries from competition, despite an antiquated business model.
The filing of such a measure was all but telegraphed, much like it has been in other areas of the country. Just last week, Thomas Wheatley noted that the taxi and limousine industries in Atlanta has declared war on the app-based transportation services and want to "level the playing field."
So, rather than asking the legislature to lessen its regulatory burden and compliance costs, the reaction taxi and limousine industries to Uber and Lyft is: "ZOMG! REGULATE THEM NOW!!! Yay, protectionism!" Or something.
Anti-market politicians and regulators in other areas of the country have been gunning for Uber, Lyft, and other app-based car services. In most instances, these busybodies are trying to protect a favored industry. Because, you know, cronyism.