From Danielle Meitiv's Facebook page comes this glorious news:
We received the notice about CPS' findings in the second, horrible incident when the kids were picked up on April 12th. They "ruled out" neglect, which means BOTH cases have been decided in our favor and are now closed. There is more to do to make sure this doesn't happen to other families, but at least for now we can breathe a little easier.
Now that the Meitivs have prevailed, it's going to be harder for CPS officials to charge parents with neglect for letting kids walk or play outside. So we can all breathe a little easier (but just a little).
Kudos to Maryland for swallowing its pride and admitting that this was never a case of bad parenting or endangering kids. And in honor of this historic day: Parents, please, send your children outside.
Read more about the Meitiv family and Free-Range Kids here.