Organizing for Action
It really is never, ever, ever going to stop, is it? I'm referring to this belief that a significant amount of the problems and poor outcomes of the Obama Administration is actually due to bad marketing or communication and not flawed philosophies and incompetence.
Today, Organizing for Action, the pro-Obama nonprofit, is trying to destroy your relationships by encouraging you to send Affordable Care Act-themed Valentine's Day messages to your loved ones. They call it the "Adorable Care Act."
The Hill notes that OFA sent out an e-mail encouraging its mailing list to send out one of six animal-themed cards. And yes, of course, they all have terribly awful puns as part of their effort to encourage people to get covered:
"Treat yourself right this Valentine's Day. Get pamPURRED with health care," one says, featuring a bucket of kittens. "Remember giving out valentines in grade school?" OFA Organizing Director Sara El-Amine wrote in the email. "This is a holiday that gives us all an excuse to send cute messages to anyone we want. This year, there's no better way to let friends know you care than by sharing an Adorable Care Act valentine."
If you attempt to click on one of these cards, it wants to connect to your Facebook account and collect "your public profile, friend list, email address, News Feed, birthday, interests, current city, photos, personal description and likes and your friends' birthdays, interests, current cities, photos and likes."
Just send a grant to Cute Overload and let them do the heavy lifting, guys.