By flying small planes out of regional airports, Surf Air allows passengers—who pay about $1,000 a month for all-you-can-fly packages—to opt out of invasive security screenings and long lines. Plans to launch a route between Los Angeles and San Francisco await approval by the Federal Aviation Administration. Surf's founder and CEO, Wade Eyerly, a former economic adviser to the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, lists three ways his company expands liberty.
1 Al Qaeda's greatest victory is the TSA. The Transportation Security Administration does more damage to the U.S. economy every year in lost productivity than was done on 9/11. It's a horrible and unattractive truth. We help fight that.
2 We enable commerce. By being able to move more freely, you are more free in whatever your pursuits are—personal and professional.
3 We create jobs. We were able to take this chance because we live in a great country. I walked away from a very good job to do this. For every two planes we put in the sky, we need to hire 30 people. Putting people back to work means they are economically free to pursue the things they want.