Another holiday, another opportunity to explain to friends and family members why the Affordable Care Act is so great. Would you mind?
The Department of Health and Human Services is asking Americans to celebrate the anniversary of our country's independence from a tyrannical government by reciting government-approved talking points about the wisdom of the president's healthcare policies. From the HHS website:
This Fourth of July, families across the nation will gather around hot dogs (or their favorite vegetarian alternative) and potato salad to spend some quality time together, watch fireworks and reflect on the holiday's meaning. But as much as we love our families – and we do, seriously –we don't always agree when it comes to current events, like last week's Supreme Court decision upholding tax credits that help make insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) more affordable for millions of people. Misinformation about the ACA is everywhere, and there's been a lot of money spent to spread that misinformation – as much as half a billion dollars in ads, according to one 2014 estimate. Not surprisingly, many Americans still don't know how changes the law made to insurance and the health care system can help improve their lives. You should be prepared when Aunt Janine says something like, "Obamacare hasn't helped anyone!" So here are a few points to remember during this long holiday weekend. Situation: Uncle Ted claims Obamacare is a train wreck and has cost jobs. You say: Uncle Ted, you've gotten ahold of some old talking points. With greater access to affordable, quality health insurance, the Affordable Care Act is helping individuals and strengthening our economy!
Full list of suggested propaganda points here.
Happy Fourth of July, everybody.