A new FBI report indicates that there is no evidence that George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin was motivated by race.
The head of Britain's Secret Intelligence Services told a group of high-ranking civil servants that he believes Iran is two years away from building a nuclear bomb.
About 200 Occupy movement protesters in Los Angeles clashed with 140 police Thursday night over chalk drawings during the monthly Art Walk gallery event downtown. Participants claimed the protest was over previous arrests of people writing on the sidewalk with chalk. Police confirmed some of the 17 arrested last night were also for drawing on the sidewalk.
Digg, once a pioneer in social media story-sharing technology, was sold Thursday for $500,000. It was once valued at $160 million, but suffered from a significant loss of users over the past few years as Twitter and Facebook grew, offering other avenues to share content online with friends.
Oakland, Calif., pot dispensary Harborside Health Center is resisting efforts by the federal government to shut down their clinic, and they have the support of community leaders. U.S. Attorney Susan Haag is attempting to seize the center's property, which also the home of an unrelated security company that could be shut down as well. Oakland's own city attorney declared Haag's actions a waste of resources.
President Barack Obama declared that Mitt Romney is "not serious" about fighting the deficit if Romney is not willing to let a tax cut for income greater than $250,000 a year lapse. At the same time, the Obama Administration is encouraging states to seek out waivers to loosen the rules of a federal grant welfare-to-work program approved under President Bill Clinton. Is anybody serious about fighting the deficit?
Journalists, bloggers, and writers from around the world are invited to enter the 2012 Bastiat Prize for Journalism, which will honor commentary, analysis, and reporting that best demonstrates the importance of freedom and its underlying institutions.
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