The Reason Media Awards showcase the efforts of outstanding journalists and videographers who are advancing the principles of free minds and free markets by educating their readers about individual liberty, free markets, and the rule of law.
That's right! The Reason Video Prize honors short-form video and film that explores, investigates, or enriches our appreciation of individual rights, limited government, and the free market.
Entries may consist of one to five pieces by the same filmmaker(s) but cannot run longer than 15 minutes total (including all titles, credits, and other indicia). Submissions can be narrative, dramatic, fictional, documentary, etc. but cannot be excerpted from longer works. Entries will be judged as a complete unit, so care should be taken in making sure all parts are of equal quality and build to a coherent effect.
The Reason Video Prize application and judging process will be overseen by the staff of Reason TV. Entries must have been published online between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.
You must enter by July 31, 2014.
For more information and to enter your work, visit www.reasonmediaawards.com.