Academia finally takes notice and pays homage: Reason's graphic journalist/contributing editor Peter Bagge, one of the finest American cartoonists and writers of our time, gets over a dozen of his interviews ranging from 1988 to 2014 immortalized between hard covers by the University Press of Mississippi.
Univ Press Mississippi
The book is edited by Kent Worcester, and called Peter Bagge: Conversations.
One of the interviews was conducted, proudly, by yours truly and published in the lamented zine Ben is Dead back in 1997. I can remember the pleasure and pride of getting to meet the mighty Mr. Bagge in his own studio to this day. Soon, my lucky cup runnething over, I was issuing a 7″ by his band the Action Suits on my record label Cherry Smash, and soon after that he began his long, storied career of commenting and reporting on everything from the Libertarian Party to attempts to unionize community college instructors in the pages of Reason.
Peter is charming, smart, a true supermensch and one of the great voices for libertarianism in popular culture. I highly recommend this book as the next best thing to having him sitting across a table telling you what's what.
The book's Amazon page, and its University Press of Mississippi catalog page.