Washington, D.C., leads the nation is swearing at work, according to a new CareerBuilder.com survey:
62 percent of workers in the Districts say they've dropped a four-letter word or two (or three) in the office according to a survey conducted by Career Builder. Following closely behind was Denver, where 60 percent of employees have potty mouths. Chicago came in third with 58 percent making regular deposits in the swear jar. The remainder of the top ten:
Los Angeles – 56 percent
Boston – 56 percent
Atlanta – 54 percent
Minneapolis – 50 percent
Phoenix – 47 percent
New York – 46 percent
Philadelphia – 44 percent
Of course, the potty mouths go all the way to the top. Our current and former vice presidents sure love to drop the f-bomb.
In related news, people are a bunch of fucking hypocrites, with 81 percent saying that cursing in the office brings an employee's professionalism into question.