Newt Gingrich has said that the so-called maverick senator from Arizona only hurt himself when he lashed out against Sen. Rand Paul's recent filibuster. Gingrich's comments come amid news that Obama is expressing an interest in exploiting the emerging differences within the GOP.
From Salon:
The sniping over Rand Paul continues, as Newt Gingrich called John McCain "sad" for criticizing Paul's almost-13 hour filibuster in opposition to John Brennan's nomination to head the CIA. "What I find sad about Sen. McCain's recent comments both to Ted Cruz, when Ted Cruz was frankly raising legitimate questions [about Benghazi] and with Rand Paul, is, you know, when I first knew John McCain in the House — he was a maverick. In the Senate, for years, he was a maverick," Gingrich said on Fox News on Thursday.
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