A court in Zimbabwe has cancelled the wedding of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, set for Saturday, after two women separately filed interdicts. One of them—a South African—says she is engaged to Tsvangirai and was promised marriage, while another one claims she married him in November of last year and that that marriage is still valid.
The court has ruled that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai had an existing marriage with a woman he wed last November. Everson Samkange, the lawyer for the woman was visibly happy when he left the court.
"The day has been the best day ever. It has recognized the rights of an African woman, and the marriage license that had been issued to the premier of Zimbabwe has been cancelled because there is a lawful impediment to the intended wedding," Samkange said. "The impediment is that there is an existence customary law union between the premier and Locardia Karimatsenga, my client."