Jim Lowney
Tonight, beginning at 8 pm, I will be giving a sure-to-be-contested talk at The New York City Junto, a group dedicated to "libertarianism, Objectivism, investing," about the split within the Republican Party between Rand Paul/Justin Amash-style libertarian conservatives and John McCain/Karl Rove-style GOP establishmentarians. There will be argument, drinking, and Reason.tv videos!
Where: General Society Library, 20 West 44 St., between 5th and 6th Aves., New York City.
When: Thursday, April 4, 8 pm. Arrive early for "socializing."
Admission: Oh, she is free! No reservation required.
Will There Be Opportunity to Antagonize the Speaker? More of a duty, really.
Drinks Afterward? That is the plan, yes.
See you there!