Donald J. Devine, a former Reagan administration official and vice chair of the American Conservative Union, has a new book out entitled America's Way Back: Reclaiming Freedom, Tradition, and Constitution, in which he calls for a revitalization of the old libertarian-conservative "fusionism" idea championed by his role model, Frank Meyer.
Tomorrow at noon at The Cato Institute in Washington, D.C., Devine will be making a presentation of his book's thesis in a forum moderated by Cato Vice President (and Reason.com columnist) Gene Healy. I will be providing the skepticism. You can also watch the event online live, at www.cato.org/live.
And don't forget: Tomorrow at Cato is also a screening of Reason.tv's must-see documentary, America's Longest War.
Reason has been debating conservatives about fusionism for a while now; most concentradedly (if that's a word) in this 2011 Welch vs. Jonah Goldberg, Gillespie vs. Ann Coulter scrum.