On November 14, I'll be moderating a talk by Paul Cantor at George Mason University. The topic: "The Economics of Apocalypse: Flying Saucers, Alien Invasions, and the Walking Dead."
Everywhere we look in pop culture today, the world is coming to an end. Whether it's the result of natural disasters, alien invasions, or zombie plagues, our way of life is threatened and our institutions are crumbling, leaving Americans to fend for themselves (or prey upon each other). Drawing upon his new book, The Invisible Hand in Popular Culture: Liberty vs. Authority in American Film and TV, University of Virginia Professor of English Paul Cantor will discuss opposing visions of individualism vs. collectivism in today's catastrophe narratives.
The event will begin at 7:00 and end at 8:30. You can find us at Founders Hall Auditorium on GMU's Arlington campus, at 3351 Fairfax Drive.