The latest CNN/Time/ORC poll found only four in ten Americans are willing to give up some civil liberties in efforts to curb terrorism in the United States. Interestingly while a majority of Independents (56 percent) say they are unwilling to give up some civil liberties for security, a majority of Democrats (51 percent) say they are willing. Republicans are split, with 46 percent who agree with Independents and are unwilling to curtail civil liberties in efforts to curb terrorism, while 41 percent say they would be willing.
Older Americans over 50 are significantly more likely than younger Americans to be willing to part with some civil liberties for security. Fifty-seven percent of Americans under 50 say they are unwilling to give up some civil liberties if that were necessary to curb terrorism in the US. In contrast 38 percent of Americans over 50 agree.
The poll interviewed 606 adults on April 30, 2013 on both landline and cell phones. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 4 percent.