Credit: Nick J Webb / Foter / CC BY
The comedian Eddie Izzard has said that he will be running for Mayor of London in 2020. Although perhaps familiar to some Americans because of his hilarious takes on the Death Star canteen, colonization, the difference between American and British English, techno-fear, and many other topics, Izzard is also known in the U.K. for his support for the British Labour Party. Izzard is reportedly Labour leader Ed Miliband's preferred candidate for London mayor.
When asked recently about his political ambitions Izzad said that he is "trying to do an Al Franken" who he says "came from the world of comedy, went into being a Senator of Minnesota and has really just got his head down and got on with it, and he is going for re-election in two years' time."
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) used to work for Saturday Night Live. Almost 250 days after the 2008 elections he was sworn in as the junior senator from Minnesota after a narrow victory over then-Senator Norm Coleman. Franken was sworn in slightly over a decade after his novel Why Not Me? The Inside Story of the Making and Unmaking of the Franken Presidency was published.
Of course, current London Mayor and fan of "rules-based anarchy" Boris Johnson provides enough humor without being a professional comedian, and would be quite an act to follow if he does decide to run again in 2016.
I may not agree with some of Izzard's opinions (he is a big fan of the European Union), but I am hopeful that if he were to succeed Johnson in 2020 he would at the very least ensure that Londoners continue to have a mayor that has a sense of humor, something many politicians on both side of the Atlantic seem to be lacking recently.
The "politics" page on Izzard's website states the following:
Eddie is passionate about politics in the US and especially Europe. In this section of the site, coming soon, he will be sharing his ideas and thoughts.
Watch this space.