While scouring the kingdom in Breitbart.com's quest for vetting-worthy material about the past life (lives?) of President Barack Hussein Obama, Joel B. Pollak finds a real piece of American history.
This faded, apparently original poster captured Jennifer Lopez in a pivotal moment: Had she bombed in the 1997 biopic about Tejano superstar Selena, there would have been no On the 6, no Glow by J.Lo, maybe even no What to Expect When You're Expecting feature adaptation. Fortunately for all of us, Lopez failed to bomb in Selena and went on to enjoy a lustrous career.
Folks of a certain age will no longer chuckle when I note that the poster here has the back of an Obama for Congress 2000 card, which heralds the then-state senator's losing race against incumbent Bobby Rush.
"Obama's got specific plans to cut prescription drug prices and to stop racial profiling," said an attack ad on Rush that Obama bought during a debate commercial break. "And Obama can help bring jobs back to the South Side."
Pollak draws an inference from Rush's complaint about the ad. He also quotes Slate.com's Dave Weigel at length concerning Obama's negative campaigning in 2008.
I'd like to see microvetting of Obama's promises by some of our country's thousands of idled history majors.
Offhand, I'd say: Obama can't really claim credit for Medicare Part 2, which cut prescription drug prices to $0.00 (adjusted for inflation), because that passed before he got to the U.S. Senate. I have no idea how the racial profiling and Southside jobs numbers are going.
Here are Obama, Rush and friends debating at the dawn of a new millennium. :