During an aggressive cross-examination, Brennan aimed to discredit Morris by leading him through a long litany of his corrupt acts during his tenure at the FBI, including taking money and gifts from informants, obstructing justice, tipping off organized crime about FBI investigations, carrying on a long affair with his secretary and lying to cover up those actions.
"You were being deceitful?" Brennan asked.
"Yes, I was," Morris answered.
Morris and his close friend and FBI colleague, Connolly, compiled much of Bulger's 700-page FBI informant file. The defense team contends that Bulger was never an informant and that many of the reports attributed to him were falsified.
Morris has acknowledged signing off on several FBI reports relating to Bulger that he knew were inaccurate or misleading. But on Monday, under examination by the prosecution, Morris insisted that he never fabricated information to attribute to Bulger. …
Morris, who was granted immunity for his testimony about FBI misconduct in 1998, now works as a part-time wine consultant and continues to receive a government pension.