In her latest column, conservative provocatuese Ann Coulter is demanding that all conservatives and libertarians vote Republican this November. Coulter asserts:
For the next six weeks, nothing matters more to the country than Republicans taking a majority in the Senate. When it comes to politics, conservatives need to learn one thing from liberals: All that matters is winning.
As if conservatives in Congress have done anything to rein in overweening government, reduce the budget, cut programs, or protect civil liberties.
More amusingly, she writes:
If you are considering voting for the Libertarian candidate in any Senate election, please send me your name and address so I can track you down and drown you.
In Virginia, I am voting for the Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate, Robert Sarvis, this November.
So O.K., Ms. Coulter, come give drowning me a try. My home address in Charlottesville is marked on the map. Google Map directions to my house from your digs in Palm Beach are below. See you soon.